Results for 'Rafaela Benítez Rochel'

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  1. CR Gallistel Rochel Gelman.Rochel Gelman - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 559.
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    El cuadrado medieval de oposición proposicional y modal, Juan Manuel Campos Benítez.Juan M. Campos Benítez - 2007 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 14:79.
    We show a sentence and modal square of opposition and equivalence to be expanded into an hexagon according to oe suggestion from William of Sherwood. This expansión is permittedby two sentence and modal rules.The logical relations of the square allow us to formulate several theorems in order to show a glimpse of the Medieval Logic complexity.
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  3. Forms in Plato's „Philebus”.E. E. Benitez - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (1):134-135.
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    On Non-Propositional Aspects in Modelling Complex Systems.Rafaela Hillerbrand - 2010 - Analyse & Kritik 32 (1):107-120.
    This paper aims to show that modeling complex systems inevitably involves non-propositional knowledge and thus the uncertainties associated with the corresponding model predictions cannot be fully quantified. This is exemplified by means of the climate system and climate modeling. The climate system is considered as a paradigm for a complex system, whereby the notion of complexity adopted in this paper is epistemic in nature and does not equate with the technical definition of a complex system as for example used within (...)
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    The end of discretionary immigration policy? A blueprint to prevent multidimensional domination.Johan Rochel - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (4):554-578.
    Immigration is often associated with a situation in which would-be migrants and their countries of origin are put at the mercy of others’ decisions. The main objective of this article is to theorize this ‘being at the mercy’ in light of a republican definition of what freedom is about: the absence of domination. Immigration policy represents instances of domination on a wide spectrum of individuals and political communities. This article focuses on the procedural discretion claimed by states of destination in (...)
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    First Principles Organize Attention to and Learning About Relevant Data: Number and the Animate‐Inanimate Distinction as Examples.Rochel Gelman - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (1):79-106.
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    Globularization and Domestication.Antonio Benítez-Burraco, Constantina Theofanopoulou & Cedric Boeckx - 2018 - Topoi 37 (2):265-278.
    This paper aims to explore a potential connection between two hypotheses recently put forward in the context of language evolution. One hypothesis argues that some human-specific change in the hominin brain developmental program habilitated the neuronal workspace that enabled “cognitive modernity” to unfold, also resulting in our globularized braincase. The other argues that the cultural niche resulting from our self-domestication favored the emergence of natural languages. In this article we document numerous links between the genetic changes we have claimed may (...)
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    (Re)interpreting E=mc².Federico Benitez, Diego Romero-Maltrana & Pablo Razeto-Barry - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-19.
    We propose a new interpretation of the equation E=mc² in special relativity by generalizing ideas of ontological emergence to fundamental physics. This allows us to propose that mass, as a property, can be considered to emerge from energy, using a well-known definition of weak ontological emergence. Einstein’s famous equation gains in this way a clearer philosophical interpretation, one that avoids the problems of previous attempts, and is fully consistent with the kinematic properties of special relativity, while yielding fresh insights concerning (...)
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  9. Effect of the Menstrual Cycle on Electroencephalogram Alpha and Beta Bands During Motor Imagery and Action Observation.Rafaela Faustino Lacerda de Souza, Thatiane Maria Almeida Silveira Mendes, Luana Adalice Borges de Araujo Lima, Daniel Soares Brandão, Diego Andrés Laplagne & Maria Bernardete Cordeiro de Sousa - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Female sex steroids can affect the motor system, modulating motor cortex excitability as well as performance in dexterity and coordination tasks. However, it has not yet been explored whether FSS affects the cognitive components of motor behavior. Mu is a sensorimotor rhythm observed by electroencephalography in alpha and beta frequency bands in practices such as motor imagery and action observation. This rhythm represents a window for studying the activity of neural circuits involved in motor cognition. Herein we investigated whether the (...)
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    Structural constraints on cognitive development: Introduction to a special issue of cognitive science.Rochel Gelman - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (1):3-9.
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    Beyond and around mandatory reporting in nursing practice: Interrupting a series of deferrals.Rochelle Einboden, Trudy Rudge & Colleen Varcoe - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (2):e12285.
    Nurses are well positioned to contribute to child protection efforts but are underutilised. This paper describes a critical discursive analysis of nursing responses to child neglect and abuse (CN&A) in British Columbia, Canada. Legal and practice guidelines were analysed alongside nurse interview texts, offering a glimpse into how nurses prevent CN&A in their everyday practice with families. Results show how the primacy of mandatory reporting to child protection authorities coordinates a series of deferrals and how nurses engage with and interrupt (...)
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    Getting into the engine room: a blueprint to investigate the shadowy steps of AI ethics.Johan Rochel & Florian Evéquoz - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (2):609-622.
    Enacting an AI system typically requires three iterative phases where AI engineers are in command: selection and preparation of the data, selection and configuration of algorithmic tools, and fine-tuning of the different parameters on the basis of intermediate results. Our main hypothesis is that these phases involve practices with ethical questions. This paper maps these ethical questions and proposes a way to address them in light of a neo-republican understanding of freedom, defined as absence of domination. We thereby identify different (...)
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    Childhood Poly-victimization and Adults’ Psychoticism: A Moderated Mediation Model Testing an Affective Pathway.Rafaela Sousa, Eunice Magalhães, Cláudia Camilo & Carla Silva - 2024 - Anuario de Psicología Jurídica 34 (2).
    Child poly-victimization is a risk factor for psychopathology in adulthood, such as anxiety and depression. Despite that, there is minus investment regarding psychotic symptoms and the mechanisms explaining the relationship between poly-victimization and psychoticism. The purpose of this study is to investigate these variables and explain how they might be associated. A sample of 246 adults participated in this study, aged between 18 and 68 years (M = 37.5, SD = 12.5) and mostly females (76.8%). The results revealed a significant (...)
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  14.  33
    Solidarity in Conflict: A Democratic Theory.Rochelle DuFord - 2022 - Stanford University Press.
    Democracy has become disentangled from our ordinary lives. Mere cooperation or ethical consumption now often stands in for a robust concept of solidarity that structures the entirety of sociality and forms the basis of democratic culture. How did democracy become something that is done only at ballot boxes and what role can solidarity play in reviving it? In Solidarity in Conflict, Rochelle DuFord presents a theory of solidarity fit for developing democratic life and a complementary theory of democracy that emerges (...)
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    Sobre a Abordagem Fenomenológica Na Compreensão Do Suicídio.Rafaela Laisa Martins Torii - 2023 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 7 (2).
    Ao longo da história muito se tem pesquisado sobre o fenômeno da morte autoprovocada e a compreensão acerca do suicídio tem variado de acordo com a época e cultura nas quais os estudos se inserem. Este texto discorre a problemática da visão hegemônica contemporânea do suicídio em nossa cultura ocidental e de que forma podemos pensá-lo sob o enfoque da abordagem fenomenológica. Considerações críticas são apresentadas quanto ao que espera-se da pessoa com o comportamento suicida ante a sociedade e seu (...)
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    Must a world government violate the right to exit?Rochelle DuFord - 2017 - Ethics and Global Politics 10 (1):19-36.
  17.  38
    The Emergence of Modern Languages: Has Human Self-Domestication Optimized Language Transmission?Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Vera Kempe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  18.  15
    Laches.Rick Benitez - 2012 - In Gerald A. Press (ed.), The Continuum Companion to Plato. New York: Continuum International Publishers. pp. 63-65.
    According to the canon of Thrasyllus (see D. L. 3.59), Plato’s Laches is about cour-age and employs, to borrow a term from Theaetetus 149a–51d, an ‘obstetric’ method, in which the ideas of Socrates’ interlocu-tors are delivered into the light of day and examined. These Thrasyllan labels correctly identify the simple theme and tactic of the La., but as with all of the Socratic dialogues, apparent simplicity disguises enormous sub-tlety of structure and composition. One thing that seems hidden from most readers (...)
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    La duda como método: escepticismo y materialismo en la literatura clandestina del siglo XVIII en Francia.Miguel Benítez - 1983 - El Basilisco 15:44-61.
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    Presentación del número Especial.Viridiana Platas Benítez & Leonel Toledo Marín - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (45).
    Un límite puede caracterizarse como una línea imaginaria o real que marca el inicio o final de una cosa y, por ende, la distingue y separa de otra; en ese sentido, el término nos permitió ensayar la idea de los límites del conocimiento a través de la imagen de una referencia espacial que señala el área conocida, a la vez que determina el área por conocer.
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    Storytelling and Authority: Critical Storytelling in Plato's Symposium.Rick Benitez & Marguerite Johnson - 2016 - In Rick Benitez & Keping Wang (eds.), Reflections on Plato's Poetics. Academic Printing and Publishing. pp. 171-189.
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    The Iconography of a Virtue: Plato and Confucius on Courage.Rick Benitez - 2006 - In Proceedings of the 4th International Hawaii Conference on Arts and Humanities. pp. 333-345.
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    The moral of the story: on fables and philosophy in Plato's 'Symposium'.Rick Benitez - 2013 - Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand) 1:1-14.
    Scholars have puzzled over the fact that Plato’s criticisms of poetry are themselves contained in mimetic works. This paper sheds light on that phenomenon by examining an analogous one. The Symposium contains one fable which is criticised by means of another which is thought to represent Plato’s own view. Diotima’s fable, however, is suspended within a larger narrative that invites us to examine and question it. The Symposium thus affords opportunity to observe Plato’s criticisms of a genre and the qualifications (...)
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    Tomismo y nominalismo en la lógica novohispana.Juan M. Campos Benítez - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:135.
    I present some ideas from medieval thinkers concerning sentences which subject term has no reference and as kif those sentences can admit truth values. I present the ideas of William of Ockham, Jean Buridan and Albert of Saxony, from the nominalist side, and Vicente Ferrer exposing the moderate realism. Then we present two New Spain thinkers, Alonso de la Veracruz and Tomas de Mercado.
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    Sexuality: The 1964 Clermont-Ferrand & 1969 Vincennes lectures.Rochelle DuFord - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (2):59-62.
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    ‘Who is a Negator of History?’ Revisiting the Debate over Left Fascism 50 Years after 1968.Rochelle Duford - 2019 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 5 (1):59-77.
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    What Practices Make For An Inclusive Philosophy Classroom?Rochelle DuFord - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 93:98-103.
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    Thirteen Perspectives on Critical Pedagogy: A Collage.Rochelle Harris - 2002 - Symploke 10 (1):89-105.
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    Praxisfelder Angewandter Ethik. Ethische Orientierung in Medizin, Politik, Technik Und Wirtschaft.Rafaela Hillerbrand & Florian Steger (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis Verlag.
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    Data streams classification using deep learning under different speeds and drifts.Pedro Lara-Benítez, Manuel Carranza-García, David Gutiérrez-Avilés & José C. Riquelme - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4):688-700.
    Processing data streams arriving at high speed requires the development of models that can provide fast and accurate predictions. Although deep neural networks are the state-of-the-art for many machine learning tasks, their performance in real-time data streaming scenarios is a research area that has not yet been fully addressed. Nevertheless, much effort has been put into the adaption of complex deep learning (DL) models to streaming tasks by reducing the processing time. The design of the asynchronous dual-pipeline DL framework allows (...)
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    Qualidade em serviços educacionais italianos / Quality in italian education services.Rochele Rita Andreazza Maciel, Flávia Brocchetto Ramos & Anna Lia Galardini - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:20-51.
    Entendemos que promover a qualidade na educação para crianças pequenas é uma das metas da Educação Básica brasileira e que, nesse sentido, há ainda muito por fazer no cenário nacional. Desse modo, busca-se inspiração na experiência de décadas do trabalho nos serviços educativos com crianças pequenas na Itália para pensar peculiaridades da etapa Educação Infantil que contribuam para qualificá-la. Assim, este artigo propõe-se a discutir aspectos relacionados à qualidade dos serviços educativos destinados a crianças pequenas na Itália. Para analisar a (...)
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    Corpo e liberdade: possibilidade, condição, ambiguidade.Rafaela Ferreira Marques - 2019 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (1):5.
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    O Que É Ser Professora de Filosofia No Ensino Médio da Escola Pública Brasileira?Rafaela Antunes Nunes - 2020 - Thaumàzein - Rivista di Filosofia 13 (25):97-109.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência vivida como estudante de licenciatura em Filosofia do Programa de Residência Pedagógica da UFRGS durante o ano de 2019 no Colégio Estadual Coronel Afonso Emílio Massot em Porto Alegre, RS. O relato em questão é voltado para principalmente uma pergunta que tem marcado profundamente minha experiência: o que é ser professora de filosofia no ensino médio da escola pública brasileira? Desde o início do ano letivo na turma 106 do Colégio Massot, houve (...)
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    Killing Time Without Injuring Eternity.Gerald Rochelle - 1998 - Idealistic Studies 28 (3):156-166.
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  35. Nursing's newly emerging social contract.Diane R. Rochelle - 1983 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 4 (2).
    Social contracts are the mechanisms by which society legitimizes professions and grants them authority and autonomy to carry out their functions. The nursing profession is currently renegotiating its contract with society in a manner which clearly reflects a change from physician dominance, and emphasis on illness care to increased independent and autonomous functioning within a newly developing framework of nursing science which emphasizes health care. In return for their services, nurses are also negotiating for those benefits which historically they have (...)
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    A comida em comunidades quilombolas: reflexões sobre saberes e mercados solidários.Rafaela Paula Silva & Silvia Regina Baptista - 2016 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 18 (1):68.
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    Detecting When “Quality of Life” Has Been “Enhanced”: Estimating Change in Quality of Life Ratings.Rochelle E. Tractenberg, Futoshi Yumoto & Paul S. Aisen - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):24.
  38.  42
    A Defense for the Acquitted?Rafaela Texeira Zorzanelli - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (2):165-167.
    Serpa, Leal, and Muñoz’s article proposes that learning through narrative is fundamental in the field of mental health, including clinical practice, caregiving, and research. The reason is that mental health patients’ experiences are marked by pain, suffering, and stigma, and are of themselves a call for stories, a call to be heard and socially legitimized. The narratives, whose relevance should be situated in the broader movement of the narrative turn, therefore have a key role in overcoming epistemic injustice—a concept put (...)
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    Identification of risk factors for moral distress in nurses: basis for the development of a new assessment tool.Rafaela Schaefer, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli & Margarida Vieira - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):346-357.
    This article proposes to identify risk factors for moral distress from the literature, validate them through expert analysis and provide the basis for a new tool to assess the risk of moral distress among nurses. Moral distress is related to the psychological, emotional and physiological aspects of nursing. It arises from constraints caused by various circumstances and can lead to significant negative consequences. A scoping review and validation through expert analysis were used. The research question guiding this study was as (...)
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    The influence of linguistic form and causal explanations on the development of social essentialism.Josie Benitez, Rachel A. Leshin & Marjorie Rhodes - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105246.
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    The Oscillopathic Nature of Language Deficits in Autism: From Genes to Language Evolution.Antonio Benítez-Burraco & Elliot Murphy - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Psychometric evaluation of the Moral Distress Risk Scale: A methodological study.Rafaela Schaefer, Elma L. C. P. Zoboli & Margarida M. Vieira - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):434-442.
    Background: Moral distress is a kind of suffering that nurses may experience when they act in ways that are considered inconsistent with moral values, leading to a perceived compromise of moral integrity. Consequences are mostly negative and include physical and psychological symptoms, in addition to organizational implications. Objective: To psychometrically test the Moral Distress Risk Scale. Research design: A methodological study was realized. Data were submitted to exploratory factorial analysis through the SPSS statistical program. Participants and research context: In total, (...)
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    Philosophy as Performed in Plato's "Theaetetus".Eugenio Benitez & Livia Guimaraes - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):297 - 328.
    We examine the "Theaetetus" in the light of its juxtaposition of philosophical, mathematical and sophistical approaches to knowledge, which we show to be a prominent feature of the drama. We suggest that clarifying the nature of philosophy supersedes the question of knowledge as the main ambition of the "Theaetetus". Socrates shows Theaetetus that philosophy is not a demonstrative science, like geometry, but it is also not mere word-play, like sophistry. The nature of philosophy is revealed in Socrates' activity of examination (...)
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    The not face: A grammaticalization of facial expressions of emotion.C. Fabian Benitez-Quiroz, Ronnie B. Wilbur & Aleix M. Martinez - 2016 - Cognition 150:77-84.
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  45. Role of learning in cognitive development.Rochel Gelman & Joan Lucariello - 2002 - In J. Wixted & H. Pashler (eds.), Stevens' Handbook of Experimental Psychology. Wiley.
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    Extending the methodology of critical discourse analysis using Haraway's figurations: The example of The Monstrous Perpetrator within contemporary responses to child neglect and abuse.Rochelle Einboden, Colleen Varcoe & Trudy Rudge - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12617.
    Critical discursive analyses offer possibilities for equity‐oriented research, and are a resource for addressing resistant social problems, such as child neglect and abuse (CN&A). A key challenge for discourse analysts in health disciplines is the tensions between materiality and social constructions, particularly at the site of the body. This paper describes how Donna Haraway's ideas of figuration and technobiopower can augment critical discourse analysis to address this tension. Technobiopower, an intensification of biopower in the context of technoscience, is seen as (...)
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    Ralph Cudworth.Viridiana Platas Benítez - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (45).
    Este trabajo reconstruye el sentido de hipótesis en la filosofía de Ralph Cudworth a través del análisis de sus bases platónicas, específicamente, la estipulación de los estratos del conocimiento expuestos en la Alegoría de la línea del libro VI de República y la distinción entre objetos y disciplinas del conocimiento establecidos en Timeo de Platón. De ese modo, considero que se pueden comprender dos sentidos de ‘hipótesis’ en Cudworth a partir de la delimitación de sus funciones como 1) tipo de (...)
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  48. The waning of shame in modern life: Kundera's novels as a case study.Rochelle Gurstein - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (4):1259-1276.
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    Questions for future research.Rochel Gelman & Brian Butterworth - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (1):6-10.
  50.  42
    Particles, fields, and the ontology of the standard model.Federico Benitez - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-26.
    In this work we discuss issues of ontological commitment towards one of the most important examples of contemporary fundamental science: the standard model of particle physics. We present a new form of selective structural realism, which uses as its basis the distinction between what have been called framework and interaction theories. This allows us to advance the ongoing debate about the ontological status of (quasi-)particles and quantum fields, by emphasising the distinction between quantum field theory serving as a framework, and (...)
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